Don't have a picture to share for this one, but after I tell you the story, I'm sure you'll have a pretty good picture in your head of what we saw.
We got out the big girl panties in a frugal effort to spark some interest in the potty. There were pairs of all different types-Dora, Little Mermaid, Cinderella, etc. She loved them. She wanted to try all of them on. I got excited!!! Then it faded and she asked to put her diaper back on....Ok. So bedtime came and the diaper was changed and the jammies put on. She went to sleep, or so we thought, without a hitch.
I went to check on her before we went to bed, which I'm learning now, is a necessity, not just a "one more kiss" sorta visit. I walked into her room and her jammies were on the floor. This was not a huge surprise as she's done this a few times before when her jammies she has on aren't good enough and she needs a "new kind". She was all snuggled up in her big girl bed, tucked under the covers nice and warm. I drew back the covers and found her in a pair of Dora panties and a pair of socks. We've never laughed so hard at one of her silly things as we did with this one.
I woke her up to put a diaper on her and she refused to take the panties off. So, what's a mom to do? I put her diaper on right over the Dora panties. yep, she woke up a few hours later cause her "panties got ALL wet".
Is there any hope?