How Old is Addison?

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

How Old is Grayson?

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, February 20, 2009


These pictures really need no captions. But I will say, as if you couldn't tell, the kid loves some "noodles & sauce"....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grayson

Here we are. 1 year ago today my baby boy, our last baby, entered the world. He was 3 weeks early and a bity 6 lbs. 1oz.
A mother will never forget their first glance at their precious newborn. How could I forget as I looked at him the first time and my doctor proclaiming "Oh, look at that...he just peed on me!". I'll never forget thinking, "Oh my gosh, he's SO small."
He's come so far in a year and you would never know he looked like this when he was born! This was actually after the CPAP came off and trust me, that was scary to look at.
A baby boy is such a blessing and we are so lucky to have been the recipients of such an amazing child! Happy Birthday "Biggie"

1 year pictures

Gettin' dressed

Sportin' his super cool "I'm ONE." T shirt

Look at his sweet face! LOVE him!

My boy and me

no words...just cute.

1 year pictures

How lucky am I to have a good friend who loves to take pictures of my baby??? Becky so graciously took these pictures, and many others, for us for his 1 year photo shoot. They came out so great!!!

Diaper Lovin'

I swear, the older Grayson gets, the closer these two become. it's been such a treat to see them start to play together and really love on each other. Grayson seems to think that biting is a good way to show affection. He giggles and just chomps down...not so fun if your the recipient of that love, but I'll take it!

Snack Trap

Here mama, you have one!
Like this? Do I do it like this?

Got one!


So proud!
We tried the snack trap a few weeks ago and it was, well...not so sucessful! There were more snacks on the floor than anywhere else. He finally figured it out and now loves to get his little snacks out of this cup. He was so happy that he figured it out!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Basically since December these little ones have had one thing or another....from both having colds over Christmas, to Addison's allergies, and now this! Grayson got his first fever and first ear infection. NO FUN! He's much better now, but look how sad he was! Oh, and on top of the ear infection and fever, he's working on 4 teeth. It's been good times around here but Addison was so sweet to him...this moment, anyway!

Another first...the wagon ride!

Pure joy!

Being a good big sister!

They are SO big!

LOVE him!

We have been having some great weather down here. We took advantage of it the other day, as we always do, and headed out for a wagon ride. As you can tell, they loved it!