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Monday, April 27, 2009

The Easter Dress

I took my little princess outside before the egg hunt to get some pictures of her in her easter dress. For those of you who know my small obsession with Janie & Jack, I've been looking for this dress for Addison for a long, long time. It's from a line that came out before she was born. I finally found it a few months ago, brand new, in the consignment shop and found the other bits and pieces on Ebay (my other small obsession).

Finally Some easter pics!

Jumpin' in the bouncer!
Got one!!

Closer daddy!

What's in here??

Love this pic...little and big all in one.

Look at all those eggs!!

I just love how she bends dainty!
She was just a itchin' to get started!

>>>do you think anyone would notice if I took just ONE before we're allowed?>>> far as the eye could see!

This was the first Easter where the kids really had a blast. Saturday we went to an egg hunt, their first, and it was such a blast! There were eggs just spread out on the ground EVERYWHERE and the kids, ages 0-3, were able to just run like crazy to get their eggs. Grayson didn't quite get it, so Daddy helped him out. And Addison...well, you'll see from the pictures, she could not wait to get started!!