How Old is Addison?

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

How Old is Grayson?

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Long time no blog!

Yes, I've been slacking. Most of you know how busy my life has become since Mike started working in Dallas. I've taken a new liking to mopping and vacuuming and my kids are used to the sometimes hasty exits from the house. I won't miss it when it's over but until then, we plug along, cleaning, playing, and now sweating in the June heat in Texas.
Enjoy the pictures from the last month or so. I'm still taking them, just not blogging them! Keep scrolling!


I have been secretly waiting to buzz this baby's hair....Mike was all for it so off we all went to the bathroom, highchair in tow and out came the clippers! Grayson was less than amused at the whole "buzzing" process but I think you'll agree, it was well worth a tear or two. Look at that handsome, sweet baby boy!


What's in here?

Sitting at the big table

He was soooo happy to get "up chair"
Grayson has been itchin' to sit at the big table...He'll go over to the table and repeat over and over "up chair! up chair!" I let him have his pears there and he was happy as a clam!


It all started so innocent.....
A little bit of this....

And a little bit of that...

A touch of this....

And a whole lotta laughs.

Grayson just loves playin' with his daddy. And I think you can see...Daddy thinks it's pretty cool too!

Finally, some birthday shots!

Addison was SO happy when Auntie sent her a Dora umbrella and princess microphone!
Blow it out, girl!

Align CenterI bet you can't guess who this pair is!

Andrew, Addison, Jackson & Emily doin' a little work before the bear maing!

All were listening intently to the directions...I think they were all scared!

I was so sad when I looked through my pictures from Addison's birthday party at Build A Bear. Nearly all of them turned out either blurry or just plain bad. It was a crazy long day for everyone. Along with most of Addison's most special friends, Papa also came to join the fun! What a wonderful day!