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Monday, April 27, 2009

The Easter Dress

I took my little princess outside before the egg hunt to get some pictures of her in her easter dress. For those of you who know my small obsession with Janie & Jack, I've been looking for this dress for Addison for a long, long time. It's from a line that came out before she was born. I finally found it a few months ago, brand new, in the consignment shop and found the other bits and pieces on Ebay (my other small obsession).


Becky Todd said...

Too cute! She looks adorable! :)

Julie said...

I admire your determination. Incidentally, Addison is so adorable, she'd be cute if you dressed her in a potatoe sack. But she does look just darling in your Janie and Jack find.

I love Janie and Jack, too. But I can only buy them on clearance! Where exactly does one find a consignment shop that carries Janie and Jack?!

Shannon K. said...

Adorable! Man that must have taken some detective work! :)

Unknown said...

cutie pies. Grayson is such a big boy!